Useful links

The Ross Trust has compiled a list of useful links to help with greater understanding of philanthropy, our work and funding priorities, and to provide leads for other possible funding sources and philanthropic support.

Philanthropy leadership and support

Philanthropy Australia is the peak body for charitable trusts and foundations in Australia and the Ross Trust is a member of this organisation. Apart from supporting philanthropic members, Philanthropy Australia offers resources to assist community organisations seeking grants.

These include:

Australian Communities Foundation assists donors develop strategic giving plans and make effective grants that meet their own charitable goals and address needs in the community.

Not-for-profit Law is Justice Connect’s legal help for community organisations. provides advice, connections, training and easy-to-use tech tools for people and organisations working to build stronger communities. It also provides a range of practical resources for not or those working in the not-for-profit sector.

Centre for Social Impact – a collaboration between Australian universities to conduct research and education and to create tools, solutions and leaders that enable change.

Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission is the Australian government’s national regulator of charities.

Overseas resources

Our Work

The Ross Trust funding priorities in educational equity and biodiversity conservation are informed by the relevant United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Educational equity

The following sites provide background and intelligence as to the need to prioritise granting in educational equity:

Biodiversity conservation

The following sites provide background and intelligence as to the need to prioritise granting in biodiversity conservation. Organisations already leading work in biodiversity conservation are also listed:

Other Philanthropic organisations operating in Victoria

Aussie Farmers Foundation
Australian Schools Plus
Australians Investing in Women
Bank of Melbourne Neighbourhood Fund
Bennelong Foundation
Besen Family Foundation
Bushfire Recovery Connect
Bushfire Recovery Grants for Community Facilities
Creative Recovery Small Grants Program
Cass Foundation (The)
Collier Charitable Fund
Colonial Foundation
Community Enterprise Foundation (Bendigo Bank) Equity Trustees
Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal
Foundation for Young Australians
Gandel Foundation
Gardiner Foundation
Harold Mitchell Foundation
Helen Macpherson Smith Trust
Ian Potter Foundation
Jack Brockhoff Foundation
Kimberley Foundation (The)
Reichstein Foundation
Lord Mayors Charitable Foundation
Melbourne Women’s Fund
Myer Foundation/Sidney Myer Fund
Newsboys Foundation
Wettenhall Environment Trust
Origin Foundation
Robert Salzer Foundation
Scanlon Foundation
State Trustees
Telematics Trust
Telstra Foundation
Victoria Women’s Trust
Westpac Foundation

Community foundations operating in Victoria: