Program area:


Backing our biodiversity conservation strategy

4 Apr 2020

In less than a year of granting, the Ross Trust has awarded as much funding to biodiversity conservation projects as it did in the previous five years, with a more targeted approach in line with its new strategic direction.

Since the Ross Trust unveiled its new 5-year strategy in July 2019, the Trust has shown its intent to increase its support for biodiversity conservation projects. 

Already this financial year over $1.5 million has been allocated to biodiversity conservation grants; more than the total awarded for flora and fauna grants for the last five years of the prior grant program. 

The Trust has always maintained a strong interest in Victoria’s native flora and fauna in line with the wishes of benefactor, Roy Everard Ross, and as Chair, Geoff Nicholson said when the new strategy was launched, “we want to build on this legacy.”

CEO Sarah Hardy said she and the Trustees were delighted with the range of projects and partnerships her team had identified and indicated the push to back interesting and meaningful work to support Victoria’s biodiversity would only get stronger in light of the recent bushfires. 

“We’re continuing our focus on contributing to conserving and building resilience in Victoria’s land and marine environments in line with a strong theory of change and it’s already proving valuable to have a model which helps shape our conversations and decision making,” Sarah said. 

“I think over the next few years we are going to see some terrific outcomes when you consider the kind of work going on across the state – from a tried and tested model to rebuild reefs through to some very forward thinking advocacy projects to raise awareness and drive change in how we protect some of our vulnerable species. 

“The bushfires have only served to heighten consciousness of how fragile these habitats and species are and as we announced recently, the Trust has redirected an additional $350,000 to biodiversity conservation for the remainder of this financial year. 

“The urgency to address biodiversity conservation becomes clearer every day.” Sarah said. 

Some of the grants awarded this financial year include: 


Project title

Amounts and timing

East Gippsland Landcare Network 

Lungs of the Lake 

$299,300 over three years

The Nature Conservancy

Bringing back Victoria’s lost reefs 

$287,223 over two years

Victorian National Parks Association

Protecting Victoria’s threatened habitats and species 

$223,000 over three years

Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater

Securing a future for Helmeted Honeyeaters

$164,000 over three years

Albury Conservation Company

Safeguarding endangered species in Wodonga’s rapidly expanding urban growth areas

$120,000 over three years

Bush Heritage Australia

Nardoo Hills Reserve rehydration pilot project 

$120,000 over three years

Places You Love Alliance/ The Wilderness Society 

National environment law reform: Building a bigger network of support

$55,000 for one year

Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal

Supporting biodiversity conservation initiatives across rural and regional Victoria

$100,000 over two years

Euroa Arboretum

Mentoring young naturalists to develop practical conservation skills

$84,600 over three years

The Conversation

Building public awareness of Victoria’s biodiversity through explanatory and solutions journalism

$40,000 for one year

Remember the Wild

Community conservationists initiative

$40,000 for one year

Read more about the Biodiversity Conservation granting strategy adopted by the Trust, along with the granting guidelines and eligibility criteria, and contact Program Manager, Rebecca Chew, if you would like to discuss your project.