
  • My Tech – get set for high school

    12 Dec 2020

    A grant of $300,000 over three years has been awarded to Western Port Secondary College for its My Tech project, to ensure students entering high school have the access to technology they need.

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  • Charter guides ethical approach to philanthropy

    12 Dec 2020

    The Ross Trust is formalising its ethical approach to philanthropy, decision-making and operations with the adoption of an Ethics Charter.

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  • Releasing our 2019-20 annual report

    18 Oct 2020

    The ability to step in and quickly respond to the bushfire and COVID-19 crises, along with a strong commitment to our funding priorities of biodiversity conservation and educational equity are the stand out features of our 2019-20 annual report.

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  • Whoever you are, whatever your background, we want you to succeed

    18 Oct 2020

    Making sure every child, every day is given the support they need to succeed is the key driver of the Learning Guarantee Project which has been established to address the state of readiness of students in Western Port as they transition from primary to secondary school.

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  • Champions pitch to reduce gambling harm

    18 Oct 2020

    The Alliance for Gambling Reform will work with an additional 50 people who have experienced the serious harm cause by gambling, and harness their storytelling skills as part of a strategy to reform the industry and prevent others experiencing similar trauma.

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  • $1 million towards independent water policy for the future

    7 Sep 2020

    Creating an enduring, sustainable water policy for Australia is at the core of a new model proposed by philanthropy to address one of the most complex public policy challenges we face.

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  • Keeping it REAL in the northern suburbs

    7 Sep 2020

    The Northern Centre for Excellence in School Engagement will expand its work addressing primary school disengagement.

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  • Investing in an educational outcome for vulnerable students

    7 Sep 2020

    A ground-breaking impact investment model will sit behind Melbourne City Mission's vision to help vulnerable young people complete secondary education.

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  • Raise the Rate has our support

    13 Jul 2020

    We have increased our support for the Raise the Rate campaign in light of the clear opportunity presented by the temporary increase of payments to jobseekers as part of the government’s coronavirus response.

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  • New Trust Chair takes the helm

    7 Jul 2020

    Corporate advisor and passionate education advocate, Jeremy Kirkwood, is the new Chair of the Ross Trust.

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